Monday, January 26, 2009

drawing Erotic Sexy Female Redhead in Blue

This is my newest drawing of a nude woman who has vibrantly colorful red hair which contrasts sharply with the blue color that surrounds her.
This drawing measures 6.5 x 3.25 inches.


Lilly said...

Beautiful blue! I must go and check out your shop again now we are back into a New Year!

nina kuriloff said...

thank you very much, Lilly!
Have a very happy New Year!!!

Le said...

just lovely - I am enraptured with what you do with the female form in a beautiful and uncomplicated, yet totally femine way - hats of to you my lady !

I am going to write a wee bit on you soon - trust that will be ok - cheers le

nina kuriloff said...

Thanks very much for your very kind comments.

I am delighted that you'd like to write about my work.

Please tell me when you do, so that I can read what you write.