Saturday, September 19, 2009

drawing of Female Erotic BBW Nude artwork

Here is my drawing, in pen on paper, that measures 9 x 6 inches. This is a giant sized drawing for me. Gosh, I feel such a sense of accomplishment after creating a drawing this big!!!
The woman, in this drawing, has very long and multicolored hair that she wears loose down her back and past her waistline. She has a very large derriere that suits her figure well. She is definitely an attractive woman.



Ren said...

Now, do one that's 9 feet x 6 feet.

Erotic Music said...

sexy art

nina kuriloff said...


I don't think I will ever work that size!

Nina :)

JanuskieZ said...
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Odd Chick said...

i love your paintings- they are wild and wonderful and the geometric shapes fascinate me.

nina kuriloff said...

Thank you very much for your very kind comment! :-)