Sunday, April 26, 2009

Drawing of Tree with Pink Flowers - artwork

Here is my 3rd drawing of a flowering cherry tree. I will probably do a painting(s) of more flowering cherry trees, but I will probably want to create blossoms that have orange color...I will see how the spirit moves me....I don't know if cherry blossoms are ever orange in color, but it doesn't matter. :-)
This piece is 4 x 4 inches.
Thank you for viewing my artwork. :)


Lilly said...

That is beautiful. I so love black, pink and orange. Hope you are well Nina.

Ren said...

Nice contrast between the trunk and blossoms.

nina kuriloff said...

Thanks so much, Lilly!
Yes, all is well. And I hope the same is true for you!

Thank you, Ren!