Monday, November 03, 2008

tomorrow is Election Day in the U.S.A.

The Presidential Election is being held tomorrow and the results of the election are on my mind........

According to CNN's electoral map (which is conservative)
Barack Obama will be the winner... of this presidential race.

270 electoral votes are required in order to win the election, and as it stands, according to CNN, Obama has 291 votes compared to McCain's 157 votes.

Hopefully, tomorrow night, we will know who the next president of the U.S. will be!


Lilly said...

It's very exciting for you. You need a change and it will be positive I am sure. Thanks for the update.

nina kuriloff said...

I hope the change will be positive.

It's an exciting and scary time.
Hopefully the polls are accurate and everyone will vote!!!

Thanks, Lilly. :)